JRS Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to become a JRS site?

To become a JRS site, the school has completed a change process in its program, is aware of and uses current practice in Jewish Early Childhood Education, and is financially viable in order to sustain the JRS position in year four and beyond.

What are the requirements to become a JRS at the school?

Each JRS has at least a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field, has taught in an Early Childhood classroom for at least three years, and has knowledge of current practice in the field of Jewish Early Childhood Education. Many JRS’s are award winning teachers or have advanced certificates in Jewish Early Childhood Education.

What does the JRS do with the additional 10 hours per week?

The JRS program is designed to be customized at each site. The JRS can meet with teachers for observation, reflection or resources, can role model teaching skills, can help teachers identify how to deepen Jewish curricula and make it available to the parents in the program. The JRS may lead in school-wide events, family programming, classroom meetings, and general conversations with parents.

Does the JRS reach parents in the program?

The JRS devotes time each week to reach parents in a variety of ways. Each JRS has been introduced as a resource for parents, and the JRS stay in contact with parents through newsletters, family events, classroom meetings, school-wide events, and creating opportunities for the parents to engage more fully in the life of the school and the community.

How does the JRS function within a host institution?

The JRS works closely with the Director of Early Childhood Education at the site. The JRS also interfaces with lay and professional committees at the host institution in order to integrate the preschool into the life of the institution.

Is the JRS program sustainable?

The JRS pilot program is funded for three years. Each institution has agreed to fund the program for subsequent years. Each site has demonstrated a commitment to the JRS goals of deepening Jewish curricula and engaging parents more fully in Jewish life, both in the school and in the Jewish community.