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Dear friends Since I began my tenure as CEO of the Federation in May 2015 I am happy to report positive movement and growth. First off it must be said that we live in a magnificent Jewish community. The creative expression of Jewish life here is unparalleled and the galaxy of agencies and synagogues not to mention the leaders of those institutions is very bright. Any Federation is only as good as the extent to which it supports collaborates with responds to and grows in sync with its community. Our Federation has been critically important in shaping this community over the past century. And for the last 20 years weve been gradually adapting to our community as it evolves. Today the philanthropic environment has greatly changed. Traditional sources of revenue are diminishing numerous organizations independently and ably serve our Jewish community and donors and philanthropists are seeking new ways to make a difference. Federation Forward our new strategic approach is the first step in creating a road map to achieve the greatest possible impact within our Bay Area Jewish community. To make it happen we will collaborate with our agency and synagogue partners donors and community leaders with the common vision of a flourishing Jewish community imbued with the richness of Jewish tradition. Our new central focus will be doubling Jewish engagement within 10 years both in numbers and depth by working with our partners to expand opportunities to access Jewish life and learning. We will continue to create impact locally and globally by caring for the vulnerable inspiring Jewish life and learning and strengthening Israeli society. We believe that there is inherent and deep value to Jewish life. We strive for a creative diverse welcoming and active Jewish community with thriving institutions cultural and spiritual entrepreneurs and many ways to access Jewish life and community. We seek to inspire meaningful Jewish engagement within our community and to welcome people of all backgrounds to the richness of Jewish life. We have no judgements or preconceived notions about how or where people should find their Jewish connections. Key to this effort will be the undertaking of a major new Community Study. Were developing a cutting-edge approach that extends beyond demographic measurements and also assesses attitudes and aspirations about Jewish life designed to inform the work of our community for years to come. As we move forward with our work the most important thing is that we do so strategically and in partnership with our community. Thank you for being a critical part of our Jewish community. Sincerely Danny Grossman CEO Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y F E D E R AT I O N A N D E N D O W M E N T F U N D 1 FEDERATION FORWARD