b'Featured Impact StoryKeeping Jewish Overnight Camp Free of COVID-19"I just need to get my kids off their computers,campers and staff back safely. That\'s where a out of the house, and into the fresh air." prominent Bay Area philanthropist, Fred Isaac, enters the picture.This has been the refrain of every parent ofcamp-going children every spring of every year"Fred Isaac and Wendy Verba came to us and in recent memory. But have the "summer can\'tasked what we needed in terms of support in come soon enough" laments ever been moreorder to be able to operate this summer," said poignant than they were last summer? Rabbi Sarah Shulman, Camp Director of CampRamah Galim. "And I immediately thought of COVID-19 testing. COVID-19 testing for campers and staff is essential but its also very expensive.The camps met with Fred and Wendy and together submitted a collaborative grant proposal to help cover COVID-19 testing costs. Impressed by their unified approach and the urgent safety needs camps are facing, Freds donor-advised fund awarded a grant to help fund COVID-19 testing for every camp in the Camp Collective.All campers and staff got tested three days before arriving at camp, received a rapid test on their arrival day, and then another PCR test five days into the session. Through a relationship with a lab partner, they were also able to conduct rapid tests if someone showed symptoms. The impact of COVID-19 on the well-being ofour children is unfathomable. They need camp."I think the kids need camp now more than Not a virtual camp with screens and Wi-Fi.ever before because camp is the antidote to No real camp. Complete with overnighteverything that\'s been going on for them," campouts, water sports, mosquito bites,said Jamie Simon, Executive Director of Camp ridiculous songs, late-night sneaking about,Tawonga. "Its going to help them build unwashed faces, color wars, and hastily written,community. Its going to help them connect to compulsory letters to their parents. Their healthnature; its going to help them unplug from depends upon it. No one knows this more thantheir technology and connect to their Jewish the members of the Bay Area Jewish Campidentity and friends. Fred Isaacs generosity Collective, including Camp Ramah Galim, Edenallowed that to happen.Village West, JCC Maccabi Sports Camp, URJ Camp Newman, Camp Tawonga, and Camp Bechol Lashon. They needed a way to bring 15'