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Category: Israel

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

It’s hard to know who is more profoundly impacted by the work of the Jewish Pride Fund (JPF)—its grantees or its members. “This Fund has tapped into my passion for

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

In the year 2000, less than 5 years after the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin, a diverse group of Israeli changemakers joined a Federation effort to heal the sectarian rifts

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

It was one of the most brutal escalations of violence that Barak Loozon, the Federation’s Israel Office Director, had witnessed. As mobs roamed the streets in mixed cities such as

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

Even under “normal” circumstances, the loss of one’s sight can be dreadfully isolating, but when a nationwide quarantine in Israel took away the hands-on methods that experts ordinarily used to

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

Conversations about Israel are often loaded, especially here in the Bay Area where, particularly among young adults, they can be fraught with emotions, biases, competing narratives, and worldviews. Indeed, some

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

The Diller Teen Fellows Jewish Community Mifgash (or JCM) was a truly invaluable experience that I will never forget. Every year in Diller, each Israeli cohort of about 20 teens

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

The Federation’s Israel Committee works to ensure that the Federation’s Israel impact strategy is in tune with current needs in Israel, aligned with our community’s values, and informed deeply by

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

Words such as diversity and tolerance too often come across in our contemporary discourse as meaningless clichés. Has any relationship ever really flourished because the parties involved “tolerated” one another?

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

On a very rainy third day of our Israel Consultation Trip, the San Francisco delegation traveled from Tel Aviv towards Caesarea. But instead of turning toward the Roman ruins or

The Jewish Pride Fund: Deep Connections, Deeper Impact

There are few times in one’s life where they have the opportunity to see real transformational impact happening and be a part of it. In January I was able to