Accounting Advice and Tax Filing

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Accounting & Tax Advice
Estimated Time: 
To be determined
Collaboration style: 
Set own schedule. Work closely with professional staff.
Project Duration: 
Within three months and available for periodic consultations for up to one year, with the possibility of an on-going paid relationship.
San Francisco Hillel

Scope & Deliverables

The San Francisco Hillel is looking to find a new accountant to form a long-term relationship for its accounting and tax preparation needs. We have several outstanding tax questions, as well as the need to prepare our year-end taxes (our fiscal year runs July-June); our budget is approximately $400,000. Based on a financially challenging last year, we would love to find an accountant willing to work pro bono for part or all of this year, in the hope of establishing a long-term paid relationship for future years.

Organization Description

The San Francisco Hillel’s mission is to be a vibrant presence on multiple college campuses, serving the maximum number of university-aged Jews, building and enhancing identity and community to foster lasting commitment to Jewish life and the State of Israel.

Project Results

This is part of our immediate efforts to increase the professionalism of our operations to make San Francisco Hillel perform at a higher level of efficiency and dedicate more  of our resources to serving students.

Required Skills/Experience
Accounting and Tax Prep
CPA preferred, but not necessary