Branding and Messaging Advice

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PR and messaging advice
Estimated Time: 
Ten to 20 hours
Start Date: 
Either May 1 until June 15 or the end of July 2016 until the High Holidays.
Collaboration style: 
Set own schedule. Work closely with professional staff. Volunteer in-person &/or remotely.
B'nai Israel Jewish Center


While BIJC has been in Petaluma for over 150 years, there are many who do not know of our presence, our history, and, more importantly, what we have to offer to Jewish families and individuals who desire connection to Jewish life. Yes, we have a website and Facebook page. Yes, we have a large emailing list who receive our weekly communications. However, these efforts need to be reviewed and broadened with clear messages of who we are and the benefits one gains from engaging with our community.

We seek advise from a PR professional to help us evaluate the current market in Petaluma and develop strategies to strengthen our presence through consistent and well-defined messaging.


  1. Review of current brand strategy and messaging
  2. High-level recommendations to more effectively position the organization
  3. High-level recommendations on how to consistently articulate key messages
  4. High-level recommendations on tailoring messaging for various communication channels (e.g., email, website, ads, printed collateral, social media, verbal presentations)

Project Results

This project will help us structure our efforts to address the constantly evolving nature of Jewish community in Sonoma County and to portray the openness we offer to the many Jews who are unengaged in Jewish life. With articulated strategies, aligned with the bandwidth of our organization, we would hope to have the tools that will allow us be seen as a strong, vibrant, and inclusive community of Jews.

Organization Description

B'nai Israel Jewish Center, located in Petaluma, is a synagogue community, working independently of movement identification, that affirms inclusivity and creativity. Having recently celebrated our 150th anniversary, BIJC values community and offers participants a wide range of ways to engage in Jewish life.

Required Skills/Experience

PR & Messaging