Copy Writer for Marketing Materials

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Copy writer
Estimated Time: 
Ten to 20 hours
Start Date: 
Preferred timeframe is to start ASAP. The deadline is January.
Collaboration style: 
Set own schedule. Work closely with professional staff & lay leadership. Volunteer in-person.
National Council of Jewish Women

Scope & Deliverables

The current top initiatives NCJW SF is working on includes anti-trafficking through coordination of the the San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking and the Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking. NCJW SF also operates The Center for Women and Girls aimed at empowering women and girls in transition, including a mentoring program for foster girls.

NCJW SF is working to develop donor packets, marketing materials, social media messages and other outreach materials so that our members and the public will understand why we do what we do. We have a Mission and Vision statement that describes our mission, purpose, vision, approach, strategies, reach and programs. We need to distill this statement to make it succinct and meaningful to a variety of audiences, including collaborative partners, foundations, donors, members and the public.

We need help in writing copy for any or all of the following: donor packets, website content aimed at marketing and donor outreach, applicable social media messaging, brochures, fundraising appeals by mail and social media.

Project Results

This engagement will help to develop marketing materials that will connect the organization to past and future supporters and make them excited to participate. These materials will greatly impact our ability to raise funds and add followers to our social media platforms.

Organization Description

The National Council of Jewish Women San Francisco Section is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

Required Skills/Experience

  • Copywriter