IT Assessment & Advice

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Estimated Time: 
To be determined
Start Date: 
Collaboration style: 
Set own schedule. Volunteer remotely or in-person. Work closely with professional staff.
Jewish LearningWorks

Scope & Deliverables

Jewish LearningWorks used to have a full-time, solo practitioner IT consultant and moved to an out-sourced model with an IT support firm.

However, our needs are not being met; we seek advice to help us determine the most cost-effective approach to IT support as well as, if possible, ideas or leads of potential IT firms or individuals to serve our needs.

The consultation would involve discussions with the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer to understand:

  1. The current IT needs
  2. The current state of IT services
  3. The gap
  4. The projects/work necessary to close the gap
  5. The budget

Based on above inputs, the consultant would help us determine an appropriate strategy and decision-making process going forward.

Project Results

The advice will help us be more effective, productive and efficient, waste less time dealing with IT problems and spend less community dollars on IT support.

Importantly, improving our IT effectiveness will improve our impact -- technology is key to our ability to provide a 21st century education.

Organization Description

Based in San Francisco, Jewish LearningWorks’ mission is to improve and extend Jewish learning because learning is fundamental to Jewish life, identity, community and continuity. We IMPROVE Jewish learning by teaching Jewish educators. We EXTEND Jewish learning by reaching more learners. We LEAD our educational community by IGNITING conversations and educational innovation that respond effectively to the twenty-first century Northern California Jews.

Required Skills/Experience

Capability to assess nonprofit IT needs and advise on appropriate support services