Online Retail Sales Strategy Advice

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Marketing and Business Advisor/Researcher
Estimated Time: 
15 hours
Collaboration style: 
Set own schedule. Volunteer remotely. Volunteer in-person. Work closely with professional staff.
Project Duration: 
Within three months
Fair Trade Judaica

Scope & Deliverables

Fair Trade Judaica (FTJ) is interested in identifying new relevant on-line venues for selling its FTJ-label and wholesale rep products (e.g. Jewish Blessing Flags, women's kippot, soda can kippot, wire and bead menorahs, matzah boxes, and more). FTJ currently sells these products on its website ( and is interested in increasing sales through new channels.

Specific Tasks:

  1. Identify 5-7 potential on-line sales opportunities given specific criteria (our target market is primarily middle aged Jewish women, with secondary market being urban young adults).
  2. Research requirements and application process to sell products (e.g. the online retailer/site process to do business with manufacturers).
  3. Analyze and provide written summary of researched opportunities with a  recommendation on top 3-5 sites to pursue.
  4. If possible, advise and assist with application process.

Organization Description

Fair Trade Judaica, based in the Bay Area, promotes fair trade as a Jewish value through educating the Jewish community, and expanding the production, distribution, and sale of fair trade Judaica products.

Project Results

FTJ hopes to increase its on-line sales to enable it to hire a part-time employee to continue this work, thereby allowing the Founding Director to focus on strategic planning, fundraising, and strategic partnerships.

Required Skills/Experience

On-line Retail Sales & Product Placement
On-line Business Development & Marketing Strategy
Understanding of market for "fair trade" vs. general merchandise, a plus