Optimization of Website for Mobile

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Estimated Time: 
Less than ten hours
Collaboration style: 
Set own schedule. Volunteer remotely. Volunteer in-person. Work closely with professional staff.
Project Duration: 
Within three months

Scope & Deliverables

Kevah's website (www.kevah.org) is being accessed by an increasing number of mobile users. As of March 2014 almost 20% of our site's visitors were using a mobile device. We would like to work with a pro bono consultant to evaluate our current website, built in SilverStripe CMS (open source), to identify short-term changes in navigation, content, and layout that would make our website more mobile friendly.

We would also like to better understand the pros and cons of creating a separate mobile-optimized website vs. making our current website as flexible as possible to help us begin to build a long-term plan for our website.

Kevah’s Communications Manager and Program Director both have experience acting as the business leads on technical projects, and will work with the consultant to move this project forward.

Organization Description

Kevah, located in Berkeley, is a pluralistic Jewish organization whose mission is to empower individuals and organizations to build Jewish learning communities. We enable adults to explore the spiritual and intellectual richness of classical Jewish texts by organizing a national network of home and office-based study groups.

Project Results

We hope this project will help staff identify short and long-term changes to our website that will make the site more mobile friendly, increase usage, and help the organization to grow. Kevah is currently expanding in the Bay Area into the Peninsula and South Bay, as well as nationally and we are seeing increasing numbers of participants utilizing our site via mobile devices.

Required Skills/Experience

Experience with mobile website design and optimizing existing websites for mobile devices.