Rebranding Strategy & Advice

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Marketing Strategist/Rebranding Advisor
Estimated Time: 
To be determined
Collaboration style: 
Set own schedule. Volunteer remotely. Volunteer in-person. Work closely with professional staff
Project Duration: 
Within two months from start date, if feasible
Institute for Curriculum Services

Scope & Deliverables

The Institute for Curriculum Services (ICS) is looking to rebrand, including developing a new logo and tagline that seeks to modernize ICS’s image and align our brand with the cutting edge work we do.

As a small operation, ICS has begun to think through what rebranding will entail and has a modest budget in place for this fiscal year. We would greatly value professional expertise and guidance. Ideally, our pro bono advisor would work with ICS’s Director to create a realistic plan for rebranding with a timeline for rolling out various components. Someone with marketing experience who can help us identify important considerations and qualities to look for in contractors would be greatly appreciated. In addition, recommendations for designers who focus on non-profit organizations would be welcome.  

We would like to engage in this planning process as soon as possible so we can embark on the redesign before the end of 2014.  

Organization Description

The Institute for Curriculum Services, located in San Francisco, provides educational materials regarding Jews, Judaism, and Israel for almost seven million kindergarten through 12th grade students nationwide annually. We accomplish this by developing our own curricular materials, distributing them to educators, and by working with publishers on social studies textbooks. ICS is a national project of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the San Francisco Bay Area and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.

Project Results

While we have made transformative strides in improving accuracy in K-12 education and have evolved our strategy and activities, there’s much work to do. We hope that rebranding will better communicate the importance of ICS’s work to our key constituencies, educators, publishers, Jewish community members, and our supporters.  

Required Skills/Experience

Marketing and communications
Managing a rebranding effort (timeline/costs etc.)