Building Resilience, Strengthening Community

As the Bay Area faces unprecedented levels of antisemitism, we provide free consulting services, needs assessments, and training to help organizations prepare and respond to harassment, vandalism, and security threats. We offer on-site security assessments, training on emergency preparedness, and incident management, all tailored to our partner organizations’ needs. The Federation established its community security program over 24 years ago and now leads Jewish security efforts in the Bay Area and beyond.

The Community Security Program engages directly with leaders, staff, and members of 100+ organizations in our community. We send security communications and threat alerts to dozens more organizations in the Bay Area and throughout Northern California. We actively review threats, suspicious activity, and antisemitic incidents reported by Jewish organizations and community members. Our experts efficiently analyze the circumstances and liaise with law enforcement to identify the instigators and determine whether incidents represent harassment or a threat of violence. This process allows organizations to increase security when warranted, refrain from overreacting to non-credible threats, and restore peace of mind whenever possible.

The core activities of our Community Security Team are:


Jewish community leaders, staff, and members in basic security skills and threat awareness.


Site security and recommend improvements and resources to remedy vulnerabilities.


Organizations through the process of applying for state and federal nonprofit security grants.


With law enforcement agencies for support against threats and to combat antisemitic incidents.


Jewish community leaders through our threat advisory system and community engagement.

Ask us

Email your questions or schedule a training

Schedule a consultation

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You helped people recognize the possibility of an incident without getting traumatized. You gave great suggestions for training our greeters and members. The role-playing was fun, yet taught us how to handle various scenarios.

Staff member,
Netivot Shalom


Trained staff, clergy, and community members around the Bay Area since the January 2022 hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas.
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Security support requests addressed in the past year.
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We’ve helped Jewish organizations in the Bay Area to receive $14+ million in government security grants from 2018-2023.
0 m+
Number of organizations in Northern California we've provided with security alerts and information
0 +


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Community Event

Henna Party: Celebrate Middle Eastern Jewish Wedding Traditions

The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life 2121 Allston WayBerkeley, CA, United States

Join the Magnes and JIMENA, Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa for Henna Party: Celebrate Middle Eastern Jewish Wedding Traditions and experience the special garments, tastes, songs,


Community Event


The JCCSF 3200 California StSan Francisco, ,

Braid your own challah to take home and bake, filling your kitchen with the comforting aroma of tradition and joy. Come together and savor the moment. Take a pause from

$Free – 5