Shaping Tomorrow’s Jewish Leaders
The Wexner Heritage Program (WHP) is a two year educational experience that inspires Jewish volunteers to grow through deep learning about Judaism, Jewish History, and Leadership. 20 ourstanding and diverse Jewish volunteers are provided with the opportunity to learn together while creating strong bonds.
There is no cost for WHP participants. The program is fully funded by the Federation in partnership with The Wexner Foundation. The Federation’s partnership with the Wexner Heritage Program underscores a profound commitment to developing exceptional Jewish leaders. As we prepare for the program’s return in 2025, we invite you to nominate candidates who exemplify the spirit of leadership and community engagement. Together, we can build a vibrant and thriving future for the Jewish community.
Wexner was a transformative experience for me. It was a journey of deepened connection to the Jewish story and my place within it – all while building my leadership skills, growing my relationships with other communal leaders, and introducing me to a network of Wexner alumni in the Bay Area and beyond.
Mina Bressler
Wexner Heritage Program Alumna, Bay Area
The WHP engages the finest scholars, practitioners, and professional leaders in the Jewish world. Faculty include professors from Jewish studies programs and the leading rabbinical seminaries, congregational rabbis, professionals from Jewish Federations, Foundations and other communal organizations, and leading thinkers and public officials.
The program is designed to deeply immerse current and future up-and-coming Jewish lay leaders in text, thought, and current leadership challenges. Seminars and Institutes reflect the following curricular components:
- Yesodot: Jewish Fundamentals: Exploration of the fundamental texts, ideas, and traditions underlying an active and committed Jewish life.
- The History of the Jewish People: The story of our people from Biblical times to the 21st century. The emphasis on the major issues, personalities and trends in Jewish history helps contemporary Jewish leaders to lead more effectively into the future.
- The Thought of the Jewish People: A study of the major texts and ideas that have shaped our people: The Bible, Rabbinic Literature (Talmud, Midrash, etc.), Liturgy, and modern Jewish thought.
- Leadership Learning: The Wexner Foundation’s conceptual and practical approach to leadership learning, derived from Jewish and secular sources.
- Contemporary Issues: Confronting the complex challenges facing Judaism today, including the Jewish people and Israel, with peer consultation and real-time leadership training.
Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion
There are over 2,300 alumni making a big impact across the country. Because of WHP’s deep commitment to diversity and inclusion, the program seeks candidates from all sectors of the Jewish community who reflect diversity in terms of gender, religious denomination, organizational affiliation, biographical background, socio-economic background, Jewish interests, and personality type.
Nomination Process
The Federation supports a Bay Area WHP cohort once every 3 years. Nominations are currently closed for the 2025-2027 cohort. Check back for future nomination information.
Call to Action
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Community Event
Henna Party: Celebrate Middle Eastern Jewish Wedding Traditions
Join the Magnes and JIMENA, Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa for Henna Party: Celebrate Middle Eastern Jewish Wedding Traditions and experience the special garments, tastes, songs,
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Braid your own challah to take home and bake, filling your kitchen with the comforting aroma of tradition and joy. Come together and savor the moment. Take a pause from
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