In exchange for a gift of $10,000 or more, the Federation can provide fixed income for life – for you, for you and a spouse, or for another loved one.
The remainder of the annuity becomes a gift to the Jewish community beyond your lifetime.
Benefits may include:
- A new source of passive income from assets that currently produce little to no income.
- An income tax deduction based on the projected future value of the gift
- Partially tax-free payments
- Favorable treatment of capital gains for gifts of appreciated stock
Payout rates are based on age and number of beneficiaries. For example, the rates for a single-life annuity with one beneficiary may be:
Age | Rate |
90+ | 10.1% |
85 | 9.1% |
75 | 7.0% |
65 | 5.7% |
Note increased rates for 2024 and 2025.
You can establish a charitable gift annuity with a gift of cash, stock, or a one-time charitable distribution of up to $53,000 from your IRA.
Contact Us
Reach out for more Charitable Gift Annuities information and an illustration of benefits.
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