When you create an endowment fund, the organizations and causes you choose can continue to enjoy your support even beyond your lifetime.

Your gift becomes a charitable legacy and an inspiration to family, friends, and community.

Once the Federation receives your gift, the dollars are invested for long-term growth. Using the investment earnings, the endowment allocates grant distributions every year to the charitable beneficiaries you selected.

You can choose to have your endowment be one of the following:

  • Donor-designated agency/synagogue endowment: specify the Jewish and non-Jewish organizations you wish to benefit, now and beyond your lifetime.
  • Field of interest endowment: benefit a cause that is important to you, such as Israel, Jewish education, arts and culture, or support for those in need.
  • Scholarship endowments: provide annual support to help Jewish families send their kids to religious school, day school, camp, or college.
  • Permanent Annual Campaign Endowment / Lion of Judah Endowment: perpetuate your gift to the Federation’s Annual Campaign Fund so your support for the Jewish community may continue for years to come.

About Federation Endowment Funds

Funds are invested in a professionally managed, diversified, balanced portfolio to preserve capital and grow, ensuring your beneficiaries may rely on annual income.

This investment strategy and spending policy are strategized to increase distributions every year to help beneficiaries keep up with the increasing cost of living.

Contributions are tax deductible. There are no capital gains tax on transfer, making appreciated assets ideal gifts. After being added to a fund, assets appreciate without tax consequences.

The Federation manages all accounting, grant disbursements, investment monitoring, and reporting. Ongoing Federation oversight helps ensure the fund continues to be used as you intend.

You can work with the Federation to add or remove charitable beneficiaries from your gift agreement as many times as you wish during your lifetime. If you plan to establish your endowment with a legacy gift, you may change future beneficiaries without changing your estate plan.

Donors who plan endowment gifts benefiting Jewish organizations or causes are recognized as members of the Centennial Living Legacy, whose gifts will preserve and grow the community for the benefit of future generations.

We can accept these kinds of gifts

NOTE: All gifts of non-cash assets are subject to Federation review and due diligence before being accepted.
  • Cash

  • Publicly traded securities

  • IRA rollover gifts (qualified charitable distributions)

  • Donor advised grants (from donor advised funds, private foundations, supporting organizations)

  • Legacy gifts by will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance designation

  • Real estate

  • Business interests

  • Tangible property

  • Closely-held stock

  • Life insurance policies

Contact Us

Please email if you have questions or need assistance regarding endowment funds. 

Call to Action

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Community Event

International Conference on Graphene and 2D Materials

Conplus Meeting delightedly invites all the participants from all over the world to attend The International Conference on Graphene and 2D Materials, which will be held on December 04-06, 2025


Community Event

Henna Party: Celebrate Middle Eastern Jewish Wedding Traditions

The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life 2121 Allston WayBerkeley, CA, United States

Join the Magnes and JIMENA, Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa for Henna Party: Celebrate Middle Eastern Jewish Wedding Traditions and experience the special garments, tastes, songs,
