About Supporting Foundations

A supporting foundation is a unique charitable organization, set up as either a corporation or trust, that enjoys the tax-exempt benefits of a public charity. Typically established by an individual, family, or corporation, donors have the opportunity to appoint trusted individuals to help guide its decisions.

While the supporting foundation operates in partnership with the Federation, donors and their families remain actively involved, having a lasting say in both the grantmaking process and administrative choices, ensuring their values and priorities are always at the heart of the foundation’s work. Supporting foundations provide a way to create a lasting legacy, allowing your philanthropic vision to endure beyond your lifetime. They engage future generations in charitable efforts, fostering a culture of giving within your family or community.

The Federation offers an integrated set of services which remove the administrative burden of running a foundation, enabling you to concentrate on the meaningful activities that create impact and change.

Our services include:

  • Tailored advice
  • Grantmaking administration
  • Tax and legal filings and administration
  • Investment management and oversight
  • Board meeting facilitation
  • Philanthropic education

Benefits of establishing a supporting foundation:

  • No tax on foundation investment income.
  • Gifts of publicly traded securities, real estate, and closely held stock deductibles in full, at appraised fair market value.
  • No restriction on the amount of closely held stock the foundation can own.
  • Tax-deductible contributions of cash or appreciated assets are allowed at higher limits than those made to private foundations.
  • The Federation’s professional investment managers are available to assist all support foundation investment decisions.
  • Federation philanthropy advisors can offer expert advice on community needs for grantmaking.
  • The Federation’s Finance department maintains all records and files necessary for foundation tax returns.

Contact Us

Please email if you have questions or need assistance regarding supporting foundations.


Gift types we can accept for supporting foundations:

  • Cash
  • Publicly traded securities
  • Donor advised grants (from donor advised funds, private foundations, supporting organizations)
  • Legacy gifts by will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance designation
  • Real estate
  • Business interests
  • Tangible property
  • Closely-held stock
  • Life insurance policies

Our supporting foundation’s fee structure begins at .75% and scales down to .10% as assets increase. There is a minimum fee of $30,000 and $5M is required to open a new supporting foundation.

Our services

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A supporting foundation is a unique charitable organization, set up as either a corporation or trust, that enjoys the tax-exempt benefits of a public charity. Typically established by an individual, family, or corporation, donors have the opportunity to appoint trusted individuals to help guide its decisions.

Call to Action

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Community Event


The JCCSF 3200 California StSan Francisco, ,

Braid your own challah to take home and bake, filling your kitchen with the comforting aroma of tradition and joy. Come together and savor the moment. Take a pause from

$Free – 5

Community Event


The JCCSF 3200 California StSan Francisco, ,

Braid your own challah to take home and bake, filling your kitchen with the comforting aroma of tradition and joy. Come together and savor the moment. Take a pause from

$Free – 5