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Commemorating Juneteenth and Our Covenant to Building an Anti-Racist Community

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund is committed to building an anti-racist Jewish community and to do our part in the struggle against racism in the broader Bay Area community. We acknowledge the long history of injustice that people of color have lived and continue to live through, both here in the Bay Area and around the country. In addition to experiencing the ongoing burden of antisemitism, Jews of Color have also had to bear the brunt of racism, both inside and outside our community. The Torah commands us to take action to pursue justice (tzedek), one of the Jewish values that guides the Federation’s work. We must and will do more.

We respect and appreciate the brave, bold leadership of Jews of Color in our community to re-imagine our collective Jewish covenant. While we have started our own internal work to establish racial justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion as pillars of our organization, we have much more to learn. We look forward to engaging in the conversation and being the best partners that we can to build a safe, welcoming, and inclusive community for acheinu kol bet yisroel – for all of our people.”

Today is Juneteenth, which commemorates the day in 1865 that the last slaves of the confederacy were notified of their emancipation. Our Federation team is dedicating time to personally reflect, to learn about our history of racial injustice, and/or take action. We hope you will join us and so many others in our Jewish community who are making the commitment. The list of events and resources below may help you on your own journey. We will continue to add to this list and welcome your suggestions.

Ways to Commemorate Juneteenth

Anti-Racism Resources and Ways to Support Racial Justice

Reflect and Channel Your Judaism to Help Foster an Anti-Racist Mindset

Take Action to Pursue Justice (tzedek) as Commanded in the Torah