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The SF-Based Federation Celebrates the First Phase of its Centennial Campaign—Raising $220M, the Largest Fundraising Effort in its History

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San Francisco, CA – On October 13, 2022, the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund (the Federation) hosted an exclusive gathering to celebrate the initial donors to the Federation’s Centennial Campaign (the Campaign).

The Campaign was inaugurated in 2010 to safeguard the future with permanent endowment gifts to ensure Jewish continuity. Personifying the desire to leave their imprint on the Jewish future, 377 individuals and families have stepped up to pledge or already contributed a total of $220 million to the Campaign. Of those, 120 have committed or given $250,000 or more. Almost $110 million of that $220 million has been realized through lifetime or legacy gifts. The remaining $110 million is in the form of visionary legacy commitments that will be actualized as part of donors’ estate plans.

These Centennial gifts, when added to permanent endowments funded by donors prior to 2010, will provide significant funding to support communal needs, including the community’s agencies and synagogues, areas of particular interest such as Israel, scholarships, and education, and to meet unforeseen future needs and emergencies.

“The overwhelming generosity of our donors humbles me in the first phase of the Campaign,” said Joy Sisisky, Federation CEO. “Each gift represents a seed planted for future generations. The Centennial Campaign is Federation personified, a center for Jewish philanthropy working to secure and strengthen the Jewish people in the Bay Area, Israel, and around the world. It is the intersection of our past, present, and future. We look forward to having all members of the Jewish community to consider their legacy.”

The Celebration was the first event hosted on the newly refurbished second floor of the Federation building, which was generously underwritten with attentive oversight by Jackie Safier, Chief Executive Officer of Prometheus Real Estate Group. Safier was honored at the event, along with recognized leaders who have driven the vision of the Campaign, including Laura Lauder, immediate past Endowment Committee Chair and the first major donor to the Centennial Campaign and Jim Koshland tirelessly serving as chair since its inception 12 years ago.

“It’s about learning why you want to give to the community and having a lifelong story about what you care about, “stated Koshland. “The success of this campaign is a partnership between lay leaders and staff.”

The program included renowned scholar, Rabbi Ed Feinstein of Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, Master of Ceremonies, former Endowment Committee chair Dan Safier, Michael Krasny, former host of the award-winning KQED Forum, in conversation with Julie Platt, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), and immediate past Chair of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles.

Donor names are displayed on The Wall of Honor, a centerpiece of the Federation’s lobby that stands as an enduring tribute to the Centennial donors’ extraordinary generosity, recognizing those individuals and families whose gifts begin at $250,000. Guests also viewed messages from community donors in The Book of Life, a treasury of testimonials documenting personal thoughts, stories, and values that inspired their philanthropy.

“Gifts given to the Centennial ensure that we can meet the moment for generations to come, that our community has the kind of Jewish federation that we want—compassionate, relevant, and farsighted,” said Sisisky.

*The Centennial Committee was also honored at the event including: Gerson Bakar z”l, Adele Corvin; Steven Fayne, Richard Fiedotin, John Friedenrich z”l, John Goldman, Nancy Grand, Stephen Grand z”l, Jim Heeger, Warren Hellman z”l, Tom Kasten, Ron Kaufman, Laura Lauder, Bernard Osher, John Pritzker, Richard Rosenberg, Alan Rothenberg, Dan Safier, Donald Seiler z”l, Arthur Slepian, Roselyne Swig, and Harold Zlot.


The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund (the Federation) connects people of all ages, backgrounds, and perspectives to the power of the Jewish community to improve the world. The Federation partners with donors, organizations, and foundations to address pressing issues facing the community and develop innovative strategies that result in profound and lasting impact locally, in Israel, and worldwide. Learn more at