Enhancing the Safety of the Bay Area and NorCal Jewish Community

The Federation Community Security Program works diligently to provide programming and guidance to Jewish organizations in the Bay Area and Northern California through our network of security partners and relationships with law enforcement and community leaders.

Funding from the Annual Campaign enables us to connect community organizations with resources and expertise to improve security and preparedness, advise on potential threats and suggested remedies, and build strong, mutually supportive relationships within the local Jewish and interfaith communities. Through the end of 2025, Federation donors can help us accelerate our progress by contributing new or renewed donations or giving above and beyond their Annual Campaign commitment. These new donations will be eligible for matching funds from the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) as part of the LiveSecure initiative: For every eligible $2 contributed by an individual, the Federation will receive an additional $1 from JFNA.

As a result of this matching grant program, the Federation is growing its capacity to support Jewish organizations beyond the immediate Bay Area to meet increased demand, covering over 200 organizations from Mendocino to Monterey and from San Francisco to Chico.

Our Approach

We combine the latest best practices from local, state, and federal law enforcement, and guidance from community security partners like Secure Community Network (SCN).

As the official safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America, SCN is exclusively devoted to safeguarding the American Jewish community. We collaborate with various federal, state, and nonprofit agencies, including the FBI, California State Prosecutor’s Office, and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Through our network, we offer a strategic assessment of the threat landscape to keep community members and organizations situationally aware.

What We Offer

Our core activities comprise these five components:

  1. TRAIN Jewish community leaders, staff, and members in basic security skills and threat awareness.
  2. CONDUCT site assessments and provide recommendations and resources to remedy vulnerabilities.
  3. GUIDE organizations through the process of applying for state and federal nonprofit security grants.
  4. ADVOCATE with law enforcement agencies for support against threats and to combat antisemitic incidents.
  5. ALERT Jewish community leaders through our threat advisory system and community engagement.

The Community Security Program helps community organizations significantly boost preparedness, empowering them to develop vital procedures, obtain essential equipment, and implement facility improvements that instill confidence and allow Jews to gather and celebrate together. All of this is accomplished while upholding Jewish values of inclusivity, making us a valuable partner for any Jewish community seeking to balance security with maintaining a welcoming environment.

Our comprehensive services come at no cost and include tailored programs to meet the specific needs of the Jewish community.

The training options range from virtual to in-person sessions, covering essential topics like Active Shooter Response, Situational Awareness, and Volunteer & Greeter Fundamentals.

Additionally, we host security workshops and roundtables to discuss safety concerns, keep Emergency Operation Plans (EOPs) up to date, and raise awareness about new developments in the threat environment.

Rising Antisemitic Threats Demand Greater Security

Keeping Us Safe

A steep rise in antisemitic incidents and threats is driving a warranted sense of urgency at Jewish organizations. Hate speech, vandalism, and online harassment are fueling fear and uncertainty and underscore the need for effective security measures to protect both people and property.

Since 2018, the Community Security team has tailored our offerings to serve the needs of the Jewish community and adapt our programming to the ever-changing political and social climate within the Bay Area, Northern California, and the Jewish world more generally. We do this by helping organizations enhance their physical and emotional security through providing training, site assessments, grant guidance, awareness of changes in the threat landscape, and advocacy with local, state, and federal agencies.


We work diligently to provide training, both in-person and online, for Jewish community organizations in the Bay Area and Northern California. Our trainings are centered on creating a trauma-informed environment, to learn without fear and empower members of our community to take action in whatever situations may arise. We provide a multi-faceted approach to our training modules so participants can understand the full scope of the threat environment and how it relates to them and the work they do. Our programs are suited to groups as small as 12 and as large as 120.

Our offerings include:

Community Security Fundamentals Training
How to maintain situational awareness, bring a security mindset to receiving visitors, and engage in a run-hide-fight response if danger arises.

Safety and Awareness Training
How to improve your daily safety habits, make smart decisions in difficult circumstances, and best practices for social media use.

Greeters and Security
How to train volunteers, staff, and members to manage access at a site and during special events, assess ambiguous situations, and engage in a run-hide-fight response if danger arises.

Email us to request training.

Security Workshops

We host multiple workshops and roundtable groups to provide the Jewish community with a space to voice their safety and security concerns. Topics include how to develop crisis communication content for both internal and external use, convening organization executives to discuss security concerns directly with our team, and how to develop Emergency Operating Plans (EOP). We also send out alerts and advisories on new developments in the threat environment through Everbridge, a mass notification system provided by Secure Community Network.

Contact us to hear more about our workshops or to subscribe key personnel at your organization to our Everbridge notifications.

Consultations & Vulnerability Assessments

Our Community Security Advisor provides personal one-on-one security consultations to assist you in meeting your goals and needs. Whether your organization needs help with grant applications, security training, or feedback on proposed security initiatives, we are here to help.

Schedule a thirty-minute meeting with our security advisor.

Our team also provides support through Vulnerability Assessments, which involves a member of our team coming to your organization, conducting a walk-through assessment of your site, and providing recommendations to mitigate security vulnerabilities found during the visit. This report will be provided to you and your team that can later be used in a nonprofit security grant application if you choose.

Request a Vulnerability Assessment for your organization.

Federal and State Nonprofit Security Grants 

We work year-round with Jewish organizations to help secure major funding from federal and state Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) opportunities. These grants reimburse organizations for projects they undertake to upgrade physical security or for new contract security guard costs. Understanding how daunting a task it can be to navigate federal and state grant applications, we have created a support process to guide you. Our team and grants consultant will meet with you throughout the application and procurement stages to ensure successful completion. We offer the following support:

  • Ongoing, confidential counsel to advance your consideration and pursuit of grants.
  • Site assessments to identify, prioritize, and budget security improvements.
  • Guidance on preparing and submitting competitive grant applications.

Current Grant Opportunity

The Cal OES application for this fall's FY2024 State NSGP grant cycle is now open! Please connect with our team to learn more and to schedule your Vulnerability Assessment for your application if you have not completed one in the last three years. Due date is September 23rd, 2024 by 11:59 pm (PST).

The Federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program

The NSGP is funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) but administered by the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). This grant provides funding support to nonprofit organizations to strengthen facilities against potential terrorist attack. The NSGP awards grants of up to $150,000 toward physical security improvements, training, and hiring security guards. The NSGP application cycle typically runs from February to April each year.

California State Nonprofit Security Grant Program

Similar to the federal NSGP, state grants provide funding support for "physical security enhancements to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk for violent attacks and hate crimes due to ideology, beliefs, or mission." An organization may submit up to two applications, but each site must have its own unique physical address (not a P.O. Box) and must occupy the location at the time of proposal submission. Nonprofits can request up to $250,000 per location for a total of $500,000. The California State Nonprofit Security Grant Program (CSNSGP) application cycle typically runs from August to October each year.

Documents You Will Need for the Nonprofit Security Grant Application

Vulnerability Assessment Worksheet
This integral part of your grant application functions to identify, prioritize, and substantiate the security improvements proposed as part of your grant request. This blank template can help you get started on assessing your site’s vulnerabilities. We will supply content for fields that are tinted blue and can advise you on completing the rest.

Authorized Equipment List
Consult this table to understand the categories of physical security upgrades (also known as “target hardening” measures) that are eligible for NSGP and CSNSGP funding.

CSNSGP or NSGP Application Form
Use this Word template to draft and edit your application before transferring it into the official document.

Cal OES Application Form

FEMA Application Form

Understanding the Application Process

The Federal NSGP funding opportunity opens early in the year with a submission deadline in spring; the California State NSGP opens in late summer with a submission deadline in autumn. Awards are announced approximately three months after the application deadline. Both programs are administered by Cal OES, however FEMA makes final award determinations for the Federal program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Federal and State Grant Programs at a Glance


What are the differences between the NSGP and the CSNSGP?

The NSGP is a national grant program funded by FEMA. Last year, the NSGP funding pool was $250 million nationally, of which $125 million was for urban areas. The maximum grant award was $150,000. Cal OES reviews and scores NSGP applications of nonprofits in California, but FEMA makes final funding determinations out of a pool of applicants nationwide.

The CSNSGP is a separate grant program funded through the state budget. For each of the last two years, the CSNSGP funding pool was $47.5 million. The maximum grant award was $200,000. Cal OES reviews and scores CSNSGP applications and makes final funding determinations.

What are the similarities between the NSGP and the CSNSGP?

CSNSGP is essentially modeled from the NSGP. Each requires the same template for a Vulnerability Assessment and asks the same questions in their respective grant applications. Both programs are administered by Cal OES.

What is the likelihood of being funded?

In 2022, over 50% of all NSGP applications were funded nationally. In 2021, over 82% of all CSNSGP applications were funded. Our team at the Federation partners with organizations early in the process to exceed these rates of success.

Which grant program should we apply to?

We recommend applying to the next available funding opportunity.

Can we apply to both grant programs?

Yes. If your NSGP application is not funded, you can apply to the CSNSGP later this year. If your NSGP application is funded, you can still apply to the CSNSGP later this year for new projects.

We were recently funded by an NSGP or CSNSGP grant. Can we apply again?

If you have security improvements that were not funded by your last grant, you can submit a new application.

We Aim to Make a Greater Impact Each Year

The Federation’s Community Security Program has trained more than 2,000 staff, clergy, and community members around the Bay Area since the January 2022 hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas. We have addressed more than 200 security support requests in the past year. These requests ranged from supporting incident response for cases of harassment, vandalism, and communicated threats to forecasting security needs, consulting on site security and delivering training on emergency preparedness and incident management tailored to our partner organizations’ needs. Additionally, by providing security assessments and grant guidance at no cost to organizations, the program has helped over 30 Jewish organizations successfully apply for government security grants in 2018-2023, resulting in grant awards totaling over $10 million.

Not only did [they] come out here and do a vulnerability assessment for us...[They] connected me with other congregations that have taken similar steps for their security, as well as potential vendors for some of the vulnerabilities that were found.

- Former synagogue president and current board member

I came into this [Active Shooter] training expecting to be traumatized...I left feeling empowered and more aware of my impact on security. I laughed and I had fun! This training is fantastic in making security seem approachable and not scary.

 - Security Training Attendee, Netivot Shalom

I didn’t know the resources at the Federation were available to us. It is so hard right now being proud and Jewish on campus, and this makes our guys feel more safe.

 - Member of a Jewish college campus organization

This is the best safety training I have ever received. [Molly and Rafi] know how to approach the issue of security with empathy and humor that makes people feel engaged and empowered. It wasn’t scary and I had such a good time at this training!

- Security Training Attendee, JCC Berkeley

Connect With Us

Contact Us 

Community Security Team



  • Request a training
  • Schedule a consultation
  • Complete this form to submit an incident report to both the Federation and Secure Community Network (SCN).