The BLC is at the Nexus of Leadership, Business and Philanthropy

On the morning of May 16, 2012, the Business Leadership Council held its annual Business Leadership Breakfast, featuring innovator, investor, and philanthropist Mitch Kapor. Mr. Kapor's keynote address, "Outsiderness, Success, Giving Back," described how his Jewish upbringing fed his career and philanthropy. Mitch spoke eloquently about the transformative power of community and the work that he and his wife, Freada, do to foster it. Ultimately, Mitch provides a powerful example of the impact business people can have, not only on the bottom line, but also on society.

Through the BLC, the Federation helps promote that impact in our community. By providing a nexus of leadership, business and philanthropy, the Federation is working collaboratively to solve community challenges and effect social change. We are stepping in front and leading the way to implement innovative funding models and build the capacity of Jewish organizations.

Learn more about the BLC on our website:

Keynote Speech: Outsiderness, Success, Giving Back

Advice for Social Entrepreneurs:

If Mitch Kapor grew up with a smartphone:


May 24, 2012


The Federation
