The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Editor's note: Less than a year ago, Harriett Hardy asked me what a blog was.  Today, not only is she reading them, she's also writing her very first post...this one.  Harriett regularly works on a number of Federation publications including our interfaith newsletter Bridges, and our monthly email update Emmis.  We thank her for trying her hand in this new platform.  If you have an idea for a Federation post, drop us a line. [joyp at sfjcf dot org].


I had the opportunity earlier this week to attend a screening of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and it is great! The story offers a brief glimpse of the Holocaust as seen and experienced through the eyes of Bruno, the 8-year-old son of a German concentration camp commandant. The boy's exploring nature leads him to the edge of the camp where he secretly makes friends with an interred young Jewish boy. Asa Butterfield is exceptional at portraying a young German (Bruno), whose innocence and inexperience prevent his comprehending the evil outside his own comfortable life.  Vera Farmiga's performance moves seamlessly and convincingly from patriotic mother, to disenchanted wife, and finally to horror stricken parent. The theme of the impact of war on innocent lives is timely, and while the movie is never exploitive, never sensational, it packs a whollop. The story by novelist John Boyne is powerful; and director/screenwriter Mark Herman skillfully uses pace and cinematography to carry the plot and brilliant performances forward -- slowly and quietly -- to the edge of the metaphorical cliff. It's a must see!

The film opens tonight, Friday, November 7 at the Embarcadero Center Cinema in San Francisco.
Click here for the latest times and locations.


Categories: Events


November 07, 2008


The Federation
