Day of Remembrance

From darkness into light, that is our journey this week. In one seven day period the commemoration of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust remembrance day) to Yom HaZikaron (commemoration of the Israeli soldiers who have fallen so that Israel may stand strong), to Yom HaAtzma’ut (Israeli Independence Day). How blessed we are to live in this time where we can reflect and celebrate life in such an intense way. It is because of those who are no longer here, that we have life, community, and the land of Israel. It is because we remember, and never forget, that lives that are no longer are blessings in our midst. It is because so many died that we as a people still live.

Close your eyes, can you hear it? The rapid staccato of machine gun fire. The deafening sound of an air raid siren. The piercing scream of an incoming missile. In honor of Israel’s fallen soldiers. This April 28th at 11:00 a.m. we, the Women’s Alliance, in partnership with United Jewish Communities, invite you to observe 2 minutes of much needed silence. Silence in commemoration of Yom Hazikaron Because words cannot express our gratitude.

Judith Goldkrand, Women’s Alliance President


April 27, 2009


The Federation
