Emmis - Happy Chanukah and more

Emmis, the Federation's monthly newsletter, was sent out to our email subscribers today. If you aren't already getting the newsletter in your inbox, but would like to, please sign up at: http://www.sfjcf.org/aboutjcf/signupnewsletter.aspx These were the stories we featured this month:

When Chanukah and Christmas collide It doesn’t happen every year because Jewish holidays are based on a lunar calendar, but this December, Chanukah and Christmas will coincide. Chanukah begins at sunset on December 21 and Christmas Eve occurs just three days later, in the midst of the eight-day festival of lights. What’s the best way for interfaith families to deal with this unusual convergence? More...
A legacy of a life lived together Emil and Maria met at a dinner party here in the mid-1960s. Where else in the world would an Austrian Jew meet a Chilean Catholic and get married but here in the Bay Area? Emil has set up a Charitable Gift Annuity with the Jewish Community Endowment Fund as a way to care for Maria for the rest of her lifetime and leave a legacy for the Jewish community. More...
Project Homeless Connect Our community helped 1,915 individuals in need to access vital services that would otherwise take months to obtain. More...
Awards recognize teens Nominate a teen today for the prestigious Haas/Koshland award or Diller Tikkun Olam award. More...
Challah Back! A new blog offers the inside scoop on the city's hottest events for professional young Jews, including the Latke Ball. More...


December 22, 2008


The Federation
