An Ethical Start®

"Do not separate yourself from the community."

"Be happy with what you have."

"Do not look at the jug, look at what's inside."

These are just a few examples of the teachings from a Jewish early childhood curriculum that focuses on values. This curriculum is known as An Ethical Start® and was cretaed for JCC preschool programs. These lessons are from a collection of ethical teachings called Pirke Avot or The Ethics of our Ancestors, found in the Mishnah, an ancient rabbinic commentary on the Torah. Through music, stories and teachable moments throughout the day, teachers weave these core Jewish values into the life of their classroom with the help of their guides Peer K. Explorer and Dafna.

Here at the Peninsula Jewish Community Center Preschool, An Ethical Start® is an integral part of the curriculum thanks to the generous support from the David Gold, Goldman and Koret Foundations as well as the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties. Not only does this curriculum help our children turn ethical values into ethical behavior, it also supports families in bringing these values into their homes. Recently, about 15 of our families participated in a Peer K. Explorer Family Havdalah program. Together we explored the text "Do not separate yourself from the community" through a story and the ritual of Havdalah, the ceremony that brings Shabbat to a close. Simply by coming together for the beautiful ritual of Havdalah, families can see the power of being part of a community that marks Jewish moments together.

An Ethical Start® teaches the most important lessons our children will carry with them throughout their entire lives.An Ethical Start® curriculum is also being implemented in the Addison Penzak JCC Preschool of Silicon Valley, the T'enna Preschool of the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto, the Osher Marin JCC Preschool in San Rafael and the Contra Costa JCC Preschool in Walnut Creek.

~Written by Ellen Lefkowitz, Assistant Director, Peninsula Jewish Community Center Preschool

Categories: Kids & Families


February 09, 2009


The Federation
