Federation young adults march with their hands

On March 22, in honor of the anniversary of the historic march in 1965 where Martin Luther King and Abraham Joshua Heschel walked together for civil rights, members of the Jewish Community Federation went to the Glide Foundation and performed a service project which focused on cleaning up their many doors, prepping them for a refurbishing. The day was started with attending a Glide Celebration, where Glide members projected the photo of King and Heschel on the big screen and publically thanked the Federation attendees for giving their time for service (the anniversary was also mentioned in the sermon). The group then went to work, breaking to eat a Glide-provided lunch of their famous fried chicken. It was a truly fortifying event for all involved and one that Glide would love to see grown and repeated next year. Thanks to all who showed up!!

Categories: Volunteering


April 08, 2009


The Federation
