JCF Passes Resolution Mobilizing Against the BDS Movement in Aid to Israel and its Grantees

The Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties became one of the first Federations in America to formally endorse a resolution approved on November 9, 2009, by the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America strongly opposing the Boycott/Sanctions/Divestment (BDS) movement against Israel. At its November 19, 2009 Board meeting, the Federation unanimously approved the resolution committing to “mobilize against the BDS movement’s undermining of Israel’s legitimacy” and pledged to work with partners to “employ an active strategy to counter such BDS tactics in the Bay Area.”

“Our Federation, by endorsing the national resolution warning of the dangers of  the BDS movement and pledging to address them with the utmost urgency, has made absolutely clear the depth of its commitment to Israel,” said Jennifer Gorovitz, Acting CEO of the San Francisco Federation. The BDS tactic is to draw an odious and spurious comparison between Apartheid and the Jewish state.  Common to most BDS calls are distortions, outright fabrications of facts, misrepresentations of international law, and a false assertion that the proffered action somehow will improve the condition of Palestinians. Almost all BDS activists embrace, in some form, an end to Israel as a Jewish state.

The San Francisco community has seen a recent surge of anti-Israel activity along with a controversy regarding whether programs that are critical of Israel are ever appropriate at Jewish institutions. “The challenges are great and the Bay Area is a center of BDS activity,” she added.  “We are determined to meet those challenges in partnership with our grantees and other strong Jewish institutions, and in addition have created as well as supported numerous programs aimed at building community members’ connection with and commitment to Israel.”

“Even while there is a wide range of opinion in our Jewish community regarding the limits of speech critical of Israel, the board voted unanimously to battle the BDS movement to prevent its undermining of Israel’s legitimacy. Through the use of research, education and training regarding the tactics and dangers of BDS, we will help mobilize support with our partner organizations when faced with BDS tactics,” Gorovitz stated.

Categories: Israel


November 20, 2009


The Federation
