President Bill Clinton unwittingly develops Better Place's business model

Shai Agassi, founder and CEO of a Better Place (site), has become an international rage with his company's development and vision to create an oil independent transportation network. While so much has been written and said about Agassi and his company, I wanted to know what he's learned over the past year from others that have helped him in the development of his company. He admitted that the most revealing conversation he's had over the past year was with President Bill Clinton to whom Agassi credits for developing Better Place's business model. Make sure you also read my write up on Agassi's full presentation, "How to develop an oil independent transportation system, the Shai Agassi way."

Article author David Spark (@dspark) is a veteran tech journalist and founder of Spark Media Solutions, a firm that helps companies build their industry voice through storytelling. His technology report, The Spark Minute, can be heard every day on Green 960 and 910 KNEW in San Francisco.


February 24, 2009


The Federation
