Sharing the Hanukkah light

In the frenzy of shopping, welcoming friends and family, cooking and eating, it is too easy to forget about the rich meaning of Hanukkah: the triumph of compassionate Jewish values and the miracle of a little oil that burned for eight full days. With the worse economy in 70 years, Hanukkah more than ever, encourages us to increase our precious supply of warmth and light by sharing it with others. With demand rising, our beneficiary agencies that provide these services are hurting more than ever. That’s why we ask that you increase your gift by at least 15% if you are able. This season, those of us who are fortunate enough not to need the community’s support to feed our children, to buy a warm coat, or refill our life-sustaining prescription, cannot be numb to those that do.

Ignite hope for thousands of Jewish people with your single act of generosity.

Thank you for demonstrating what a kind, caring and connected Jewish community we are. With warmest wishes from our Federation family to yours for a meaningful Hanukkah.

Categories: Holidays, Videos


December 03, 2009


The Federation
