What's Happening with the ECE Initiative?

The Early Childhood Education Initiative is making steady progress. We have been meeting with different constituent groups such as JCC Executive Directors, Rabbi's, and Temple Administrators, spreading the word about the importance of Early Childhood Education for the future of the Jewish community.

Worthy Wage Day for Early Childhood Education teachers was started in the 70's, by the Child Care Employee Project. Three and a half decades later have not seen much progress in professionalizing the field. The Jewish Community in the Bay Area is taking a stand; we are working on compensation, along with other key areas, including professional development, excellence in the field and connecting with families. Join us on June 2, so we can hear your ideas for the Early Childhood Jewish Education in the Bay Area- we will share ours, too.

~ By Janet Harris, Director of the ECE Initiative

Categories: Kids & Families


May 23, 2008


The Federation
