Retain & Reclaim A Clear, Creative & Vibrant Mind

The body and mind are like two wings of a powerful eagle. Understand the constellation of issues that keep this bird in flight and soaring!

June is Brain Awareness and Alzheimer’s Month.  Join Leni Felton, Clinical Nutritionist, for an engaging presentation as she elucidates how to live and age with sparkling vitality and clarity. A clear mind is one of the greatest treasures we can hope for in our aging years. Recent studies have shown that dementia and even Alzheimer’s can be prevented and reversed. 

Learn the root causes of cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s. Identify weak links to “shore-up” so you’re not vulnerable to a decline. Symptoms developing? Get started now to turn the tide and reclaim your brain. Young & healthy? Get tips to sharpen and improve mental performance. The real question is: What are you doing now to become informed and empowered to choose healthy living practices? 

Here’s how we’ll stay safe together: 
We’re so glad to welcome you into our building again! Safety is paramount and we appreciate your patience and cooperation as we follow San Francisco’s healthy and safety requirements. 

All staff have been vaccinated and we welcome fully vaccinated patrons to our programs. If you’re not vaccinated, don’t forget your mask – you’ll need to keep it on start to finish. 

Interests: Arts & Culture
June 08, 2022
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
3200 California Street
San Francisco


Organized By: 
Event Contact Person: 
Leni Felton
Leni is Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist in the San Francisco Bay Area. She specializes in individualized programs to reclaim health of the body and mind.  She is trained in the Bredesen Protocol for preventing and reversing cognitive decline.  In this context her focus is on education and prevention. Leni has a private clientele and collaborates with doctors in an integrative approach.  For six years Leni worked with Richard Gracer, MD at the Gracer Medical Group, San Ramon, an early Orthomolecular Doctor. She has designed and developed both spa-friendly and self-initiated cleansing programs for her specialty of drainage and detoxification. A core principle of her work for 20 years: the body and mind are inextricably linked. Any dysfunction requires an unraveling in both arenas.