Spirit & Spirits

September 16, 2020
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Free! Advance reservation required.


A brief spiritual history of Jews and booze with Maggid Jhos Singer

Alcohol is well engrained in Jewish culture. Sip and learn about it from our resident maggid and mixologist, Jhos Singer. He’ll take you on an intoxicating historical journey, starting with the presence of whiskey in 3rd C. BCE in Jerusalem to the activity of the Jewish rum runners on the Canadian/U.S. border in the 1920s. Along the way, you’ll learn how wine plays an important role in Jewish ritual life.

Leave it to Singer to uncover and share the lore. You’ll uncover Biblical references to the relevance of hard liquor and wine in ancient Jewish cultural practices of communal offerings and vow taking. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, wine took on a sacramental role in synagogue, communal, and home rituals. Jews became the prominent tavern keepers, brewers, and distillers with the expansion of the Polish Kingdom in the 18th C., a skill that came in handy in the 19th and 20th centuries in the United States. And that’s just the beginning!

Covenant Wines Pairing
We suggest their 2018 Tribe Proprietary Red. We’ll be tasting it together during the Zoom session. Be sure to order by Friday, September 11. Use discount code JCCSF for 15% off!

Interests: Israel, Virtual
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JCCSF Box Office