Leadership Development
Our leaders are one of our most valuable resources.
That’s why we’re dedicated to educating and developing members who will work together to make a significant contribution to strengthen and transform our Jewish community.
Our leadership programs are designed to deepen our volunteer leaders' knowledge base, inform them about Jewish community issues and challenges, provide a multitude of networking opportunities, acquaint them with community service providers, and strengthen their relationship with the Federation.
Within the department, we:
- develop and manage dynamic Leadership Development program: Federation Fellows
- serve as the liaison and program managers for the 300 Wexner alumni.
- distribute awards as an acknowledgement of community achievement and leadership.
- support the Board of Governors, our community forum that meets several times a year.
- partner with each and every lay leader on a personal volunteer plan and career path, and maintain an ongoing partnership to ensure meaningful engagement.
Over 400 volunteers are members of one (or more) of the 40 committees, task forces, and initiatives. We strive to place volunteers in engagement opportunities where they take pride in their work, feel their voices being heard on committees, and see their direct impact, not only within the Federation, but in the broader community.
If you are interested in finding out more about our programs, committees, or just want to explore leadership opportunities, please contact us.