Women Warriors: An Update on Ukraine

March 15, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Virtual event


Join us for an update on the latest developments concerning what's happening on the ground in Ukraine. Meet incredible women from the frontlines and hear why and how this crisis is impacting women and children in particular.

We'll receive live updates from JDC, the Jewish Agency for Israel, United Hatzalah and Project Kesher, a Jewish women's leadership nonprofit that is meeting the needs of women and girls in Ukraine as they face the current crisis and its fallout. This update will include an exclusive live briefing by Vlada Nedak, Kesher Ukraine's Executive Director, who is currently displaced in Western Ukraine.

The need is urgent. Please consider making a gift today to support the Ukrainian Jewish community through the Federation’s Ukraine Emergency Fund 

Interests: Meetings, Virtual
Organized By: 
National Women's Philanthropy
Event Contact Person: 
Women's Philanthropy